XVI CIGeo - Lisboa 2018, XVI Colóquio Ibérico Geografia / XVI Coloquio Iberico Geografia

Tamanho Fonte: 
Urbanisation and rise of geomorphological hazards in Sarajevo during the post-war period
Jordi Martín-Díaz

Última alteração: 2018-07-27


This paper deals with the urbanisation process occurred historically on the slopes of Sarajevo and pays special attention to the constructions developed during the last fifteen years as a result of combined post-war and post-socialist urban processes. More specifically, it focuses on the political, social and economic factors leading up to urbanisation during the post-war period, particularly in areas in the central areas of the city where geomorphological hazards were higher. Finally, it analyses the exposition of these urbanized slopes to potential geomorphological hazards by focusing on five study areas that are representative of the urbanisation process that has taken place in the city since the end of the Bosnian War in 1995.

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